Let's get you on your purposeful path to leadership!

My step-by-step system will help you gain clarity & create your purposeful path of leadership in your career that you’ve been dreaming of.


What those who worked with us are saying



Testimonials from Corporate Leaders


How Mike landed an Executive role through Leadership OS program



How Sekar landed more than a VP role through Leadership Program with Ajitha



How Doug developed his internal readiness as a Thought Leader





Learn about Troy's foundational shift as a Leader


Orlando's 3 part transformation through Leadership OS Program



Ravi's transformation from a Manager to a Leader through improved Communication Skills

Testimonials from Entreprenurs



How Karen realigned with her soul’s purpose - From Therapist to Healer



How Neha went from working at Google/L'Oreal to
launching her leadership retreats via the Coaching Program 


Anju’s shift through coaching with Ajitha



I am a Corporate Professional

Learn how to showcase your talent and attract the best opportunities by upgrading your skillsets and mindset!

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I am an aspiring/ established Entrepreneur

Get step by step guidance to launch or pivot into your purpose driven business for greater impact!

Book a Breakthrough Call

I am a Company / Corporation

Engage me to coach your leaders on increasing their team effectiveness & impact to bottom-line.

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I'm Ajitha Srinivasan

After 20 years of Corporate career as a leader, I was hit with what many people term as "mid-life crisis", but I knew it was my soul's voice asking me to step into living my purpose on this planet.  Fast forward now, I am thriving by serving other leaders who are seeking their purposeful path for more impact & influence.

I help Corporate Professionals in their leadership journey through career transition, leadership development and crafting their way into living their purpose via entrepreneurship, should that be their calling.

I serve Organizations as a Speaker, Trainer & Facilitator working in partnership with companies like Learning Tree International & MindGym to serve their Fortune 500 Clients in Leadership Development.

"I had a major break-through working with her and cannot recommend her services enough!!"

- Michael Malfitani

"The investment I put into myself by working with Ajitha has been life-changing.I am currently participating in Ajitha's Entrepreneurial Program and am pleased with my results"

- Troy Sterns

"Working with Ajitha was an incredible experience. Her program was exactly what I needed when I needed it. It has really changed my entire perspective on both work and life!"

- Matthew Tedesco